Totara Learn Open Discussions

Enrol Audiences on Course - Notification Message

Enrol Audiences on Course - Notification Message
BlakeSue 发表于 2021年11月23日 Tuesday 04:54
小组 Good learner 2023小组 Most Helpful Contributor 2022小组 Most helpful contributor 2023小组 TXP Site Administrator小组 V18 Program Complete


We have an e-learning course that we want New Starters to access when joining but we do not want it to be a mandatory requirement.

I tried creating it as a Program as the only course to complete but by selecting it as optional it automatically marks them as complete.

The correct route appears to be to enrol the Dynamic Audience on the course and it does appear in their Current Learning block.  

What I can't work out to do is send them a course welcome notification.  A course welcome message appears to be available for other enrolment methods but not an Audience enrolment.

Can anyone provide some help with this?  I may just be looking in the wrong settings.



Craig Eves
Re: Enrol Audiences on Course - Notification Message
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2021年11月23日 Tuesday 16:00
小组 Totara

Hi Sue

Can you clarify what you mean by not wanting the course to be a mandatory requirement. If they are assigned to a program the users isn't enrolled in a course until the course is launched. If the course is not made optional then even if they enrolled in the course accidentally they don't have to complete the course They wouldn't complete the program unless they completed the course 

If you were to use a program then you could add a program welcome notification that can be used as the course welcome message.


Re: Enrol Audiences on Course - Notification Message
BlakeSue 发表于 2021年11月24日 Wednesday 07:26
小组 Good learner 2023小组 Most Helpful Contributor 2022小组 Most helpful contributor 2023小组 TXP Site Administrator小组 V18 Program Complete

Hi Craig, 

My understanding is that if we set up a program for new starters that contained the course it will stay on their current learning until they complete it. Using an assignment due date for the program will in turn show them as overdue if they do not complete it (I think) which we don't want to happen as completing the e-learning is completely optional.  

Looking at the settings for the course Self Enrolment method it has the option to Send a course welcome message, but that option doesn't appear to be available in the settings if I am using the Audience Sync method.

Really looking for a way to communicate to new starters automatically that the course is available to them but not making it as formal as part of a program.

Hope this makes a bit more sense.

Craig Eves
Re: Enrol Audiences on Course - Notification Message
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2021年11月25日 Thursday 17:01
小组 Totara

Hi Sue

That is right the program will show on the Record of learning and as overdue unless you edit the embedded ROL programs source so the program isn't shown.

To get a message to appear when the course is enrolled in - you could create an announcement forum in the course (gets created automatically for topics type course)  and set the subscription to auto subscribe so the new user is subscribed to the forum. 

Create  a posting that contains a welcome message in the forum.


Re: Enrol Audiences on Course - Notification Message
BlakeSue 发表于 2021年11月26日 Friday 04:47
小组 Good learner 2023小组 Most Helpful Contributor 2022小组 Most helpful contributor 2023小组 TXP Site Administrator小组 V18 Program Complete

Thanks for the suggestion Craig.  I'll take a look and see what works best for the Technical Lead.

