Totara Learn Open Discussions

Need to Access Totara 13 Code

Laxman Prajapati
Need to Access Totara 13 Code
di Laxman Prajapati - Monday, 27 December 2021, 22:26


Good morning.

I need to install totara 13 on my local system. How and from where I can get the Totara 13 source code for the installation?
Please help me with it.

Thanks in advance!

Sam Hemelryk
Re: Need to Access Totara 13 Code
di Sam Hemelryk - Wednesday, 5 January 2022, 11:54
Gruppo Totara

Hi Laxman Prajapati,

It appears you're with one of our alliance partners.
If so, please open a help desk ticket with this request and we'll be happy to get you set up and/or provide instructions.

Kind regards
Sam Hemelryk

Laxman Prajapati
Re: Need to Access Totara 13 Code
di Laxman Prajapati - Wednesday, 5 January 2022, 23:55
I have been done with the setup.

Thanks a lot for the reply.