Totara Learn Open Discussions

Waitlist management, booking approval and declare interest.

Cathy Manhire
Waitlist management, booking approval and declare interest.
di Cathy Manhire - Friday, 31 December 2021, 04:21

Hi all,

I am working to streamline our participant and event administration booking workflows relatint to Seminar activities.  We have been using seminar direct enrolement which has previously procluded the use oof the declare interest function.  Now that we have moved to V14 I have been looking at the declare interest function again as a possible approach to booking for higher value, less frequent events.

The problem I have encountered is how to ensure the inclusion of the equivalent of self approval to bookings that are managed in this way.  To the best of my understanding the declare interest option means that when an event is scheduled the attendees can either be directly added to teh event or to an automated waitlist (depending on the waitlist settings for the event).  This means though, that it is the administrater who performs the booking action and the approval part fo the workflow is not used. 

We would prefer for participants to make a positive action to confirm to having followed all required procedures for attending the event.  We could add information to the booking confirmation (for both attendee and manager) but this is after the booking has taken place and can be missed/ignored.

We could use the dateless event option to create the waitlist but woudl prefer not to have to force potential participant to rebook if they are not able to attend the next date that is scheduled.  It would also be better if, when participants self-approve that they are confirming the appropriateness of the activity, its cost, and the specific timing of the event in relation to their work commitments.

Just wondering if there is anyone who has similar workflow requirements, or has in depth knowledge/experience of using the Seminar booking and waitlist/booking workflow options?



Craig Eves
Re: Waitlist management, booking approval and declare interest.
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 16 January 2022, 17:24
Gruppo Totara

Hi Cathy

Apologies for the delay in responding - Does the Approval option 'Learner accepts terms and conditions' sound suitable?

This way the learner can approve themselves but only after confirming they have taken the actions shown in the terms and conditions.
