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How to view a file uploaded to a forum discussion?

Paul Lowndes
How to view a file uploaded to a forum discussion?
door Paul Lowndes - Wednesday, 5 January 2022, 10:23 AM
Groep Most Helpful Contributor 2021


We are looking to use forums as a way of grouping key resource material. We've created a course page and a number of forums that represent key topic areas. Under each forum a user with the right permission can start a discussion and upload a relevant PDF.

For example: 

Forum = Newsletter 

Discussion = month (ie Jan, feb, March etc)

The problem we have is that when a user wants to view a PDF uploaded within the Discussion, the file is immediately downloaded rather than opened in a new window.

There does not appear to be a setting within forums to enable files to be viewed in a new window.

However If we add a PDF directly to a course page it does open in a new window. 

Is it possible to have the same user experience when viewing a file uploaded to a forum discussion?



Sam Hemelryk
Re: How to view a file uploaded to a forum discussion?
door Sam Hemelryk - Wednesday, 5 January 2022, 12:24 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Paul,

Files attached to a forum post are always downloaded. At present there is no option to change this behaviour.

The behaviour is the place for security as we cannot be sure of the trust given to users allowed to attach files to a forum post.
File resources within courses have a greater level of trust as they require capabilities marked with risk. Additionally there is an option for these.

It would be possible to improve the forum activity to allow for this given security were correctly managed, however it would be an improvement.

Kind regards
Sam Hemelryk

Paul Lowndes
Re: How to view a file uploaded to a forum discussion?
door Paul Lowndes - Thursday, 6 January 2022, 07:29 AM
Groep Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi Sam

Thanks for the comprehensive reply. We'll look into this further.

