Totara Learn Open Discussions

Provide feedback issue

Larry Mitipelo
Provide feedback issue
de Larry Mitipelo - Thursday, 24 de February de 2022, 20:09
Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2021Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2022Grupo Most helpful contributor 2023


I tried to provide feedback on the V12 page and I got this message when I submitted it.

"Oops! Something went wrong...
There was a problem submitting your feedback, likely due to the configuration of this form. You might want to contact the site owner to let them know about this issue."

I used both Chrome and Edge with the same issue.



Jordan Ash
Re: Provide feedback issue
de Jordan Ash - Friday, 25 de February de 2022, 02:04
Grupo TotaraGrupo TXP Site Administrator

Hi Larry, 

Which V12 feedback page was this on? I've checked our course feedback pages and they are still working for me.

Larry Mitipelo
Re: Provide feedback issue
de Larry Mitipelo - Wednesday, 2 de March de 2022, 11:20
Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2021Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2022Grupo Most helpful contributor 2023

Hi Ash,

Sorry the page I was referring to would have been helpful for me to include.

It was this one.
