Totara Learn Open Discussions

Result Letter

Jennifer Lam
Result Letter
de Jennifer Lam - Tuesday, 1 de March de 2022, 10:54


I am having a big trouble with one of our courses as the structure is so so complicated! So

1. Totara calculating course total based on a matrix. I don't think that's possible as I have tried many things. But please give me some advice for any workaround.

2. Since Totara cannot calculate the total based on a matrix, my admin will over-write the course total manually.

3. However, when we use the certificate to print this course total, we can't print the "real" grade. As we are using a custom scale. The certificate can only print "percentage" or "point" or "letter".

4. Also, we are hoping the generate more of a result letter that list each activity's result and the overall result. But I don't think we can do that unless we change the php file?

Urgh, I just don't think any of the things we want would work. :(

If anyone have any idea or amazing plugin we can try, that would be great!



Craig Eves
Re: Result Letter
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 1 de March de 2022, 17:56
Grupo Totara

Hi Jennifer

In response to your questions

  1. Not sure what you mean by matrix - course grades can have formulas to calculate grades . Each activity can also be given different weightings
  2. Manually overriding the grades can also be done if a suitable formula can't be created 

For the last two items - it is possible to create an Open Badge rather than a certificate. These can be awarded on various criteria and are externally displayable and verifiable. 

the information the badge can display include

  • criteria the badge is awarded for 
  • who awarded this 
  • when this was awarded 
  • when it expires 

We have badges enabled on this site - if you check your profile you may see you have a badge already!
