Totara Learn Open Discussions

Updating userID via user HR Import

Andria Iacovou
Updating userID via user HR Import
de Andria Iacovou - Tuesday, 15 de March de 2022, 06:24

Is it possible to update the userID for existing users via HR import?

I have tried a variety of settings, including having 'update' and not 'create' ticked in the default settings of the import but the user ID does not get updated.  The error is: 'user with username X already exists'

We need to change user IDs for a large number of users (approx 10 000),  Could anyone advise if this is possible?

Craig Eves
Re: Updating userID via user HR Import
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 15 de March de 2022, 16:18
Grupo Totara

Hi Andria

HR import uses the user ID to uniquely identify the user so you can't change this in HR Import.

However you can use the Upload users to change the user id to allow you to use the HR import to update other fields.

You may also need to tick the HR Import box for users - this can be done through bulk users actions


Andria Iacovou
Re: Updating userID via user HR Import
de Andria Iacovou - Wednesday, 16 de March de 2022, 03:27

Thanks Craig - helpful :)