Totara Learn Open Discussions

Does completing Feedback trigger a course completion, even if not set in Course Conditions??

Fiona Bowen
Does completing Feedback trigger a course completion, even if not set in Course Conditions??
di Fiona Bowen - Monday, 28 March 2022, 16:16

We have a course on our LMS that when we do a Report via the Reporting system (using Course Completion Source), is appearing as having a user complete the course - although there are no Course Completion conditions set on this course!  

I am trying to figure out how a user can show as completing the course without Course Completion conditions being set?  From Reporting I can find a date when the user is showing as completed the course (via a Branch report - audience member source), However, in analysing the data from reports, and the course log, all I can see is that perhaps one user (I can't identify who has done the course!) has done Feedback which is set through the main page.

But, the course feedback has not been linked to course completion in the course, so I am terribly confused what is making a user appear as completing the course?  Note 0 there is no course completion report available via the course itself either.

Look forward to your thoughts.



Craig Eves
Re: Does completing Feedback trigger a course completion, even if not set in Course Conditions??
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 28 March 2022, 18:04
Gruppo Totara

Hi Fiona

There are a few other course completion  conditions that can apply such as manual completion or date they need to be enrolled unti 

If these don't apply then the course completion editor will show a list of transactions for the user and explain why  this was marked as completed.


Fiona Bowen
Re: Does completing Feedback trigger a course completion, even if not set in Course Conditions??
di Fiona Bowen - Monday, 28 March 2022, 20:30

Thanks for your prompt reply Craig.

I have found an answer, but as you'll see it's now led me to ask another question below.

As it turns out there weren't any other course completion conditions set, and the course completion editor wasn't immediately useful  as I didn't know the name of the user who had completed the course.  All I knew is that reporting was showing 1 user had completed it.  Going with the date from a report ( I could see from the Report that a user had completed the course on a particular date), I did a search through the logs of all users who had accessed the course for that date, and then used the completion editor to search through these users details.

What I've found is that the user had their course completion updated manually by one of our team members (I found this in the logs for that identified user).

So, to help make things faster, Is there a way you can do a search/report that shows a breakdown of course completions so we can see which ones are manually completed, so you can identify these types of users more easily?  



Craig Eves
Re: Does completing Feedback trigger a course completion, even if not set in Course Conditions??
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 29 March 2022, 14:22
Gruppo Totara

Hi Fiona

If the user has been completed manually by someone ticking the RPL box then the completion Status will show as Complete via RPL.

The course completion report can be created with the completion status as a filter so you can see all users who have been completed through RPL
