Totara Talent Experience Platform Open Discussions

Using Multi Tenant with Audiences: pros and cons

Rachel Warren
Using Multi Tenant with Audiences: pros and cons
de Rachel Warren - Tuesday, 5 de April de 2022, 01:53

We have users that need to be involved in learning that is displayed on different Tenants, which means that the user needs to be able to see access multiple tenants. We have used audiences to capture certain groups where the eLearning is appropriate. However when using an audience across multiple tenants it does not capture the required user (because they are not ‘members’ of the Community Tenant, they are a participant).

This is something we will need to do a lot (as we potentially bring in mandatory training) we were wondering how others may have overcome this issue and found the best way to accomplish and manage this? As well as the pros and cons of having multiple tenants?


The options as we see it might be:

  1. Change our whole set up; currently consists of five tenants. We are thinking about changing this into two Tenants (staff and Service users). While we will need to configure a lot more ‘rules sets’ in the background, we see this resolving the problem and Learners will still only see what they need to see.
  2. Using Audiences in a very specific way; We have tested multi tenants audience rule, however using multi-tenant audience in a very specific way which is setting up dashboards, setting courses and job positions. Configuring the certain tenant users will be a manual process to ensure each user is perfectly set up in that they can be ‘captured’ in each audience applicable for their learning needs. 

Craig Eves
Re: Using Multi Tenant with Audiences: pros and cons
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 5 de April de 2022, 19:45
Grupo Totara

Hi Rachel

If you are using muliti tenants to make some courses visible to certain audiences then using audiences to enrol and make courses and  programs visible to audience members and enrolled users may be all thats required.

Can you explain a bit more about what you want to keep separate between tenants- have a look at the Multi tenancy use case to see which one best describes what you are wanting.
