Totara Learn Open Discussions

Learning Plans - reordering courses?/not just alphabetical?

Fiona Bowen
Learning Plans - reordering courses?/not just alphabetical?
על ידי Fiona Bowen בתאריך 16/05/2022, 21:23

Hi all,

We're investigating benefits of using Learning Plans but can only see how to have courses listed in alphabetical order.  Is there a way that we can amend the order of the courses at all - so we can have a particular flow that we'd like users to follow?



Craig Eves
Re: Learning Plans - reordering courses?/not just alphabetical?
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 19/05/2022, 18:11
קבוצה Totara

Hi Fiona

The courses in learning plans are sorted alphabetically by the course long name . The course short name is used in most other places so you could add a number at the start of the course long name to order it in the way you want.

There is an existing feature request TL-28399 Sort Learning Plan Courses that has been created 


Fiona Bowen
Re: Learning Plans - reordering courses?/not just alphabetical?
על ידי Fiona Bowen בתאריך 19/05/2022, 19:29

Brilliant - thanks Craig, again!