Totara Learn Open Discussions

Reporting: Audiences assigned to courses

Reporting: Audiences assigned to courses
frostrichard 发表于 2022年06月21日 Tuesday 13:52


I need to run a report that shows which courses have which audiences assigned to them. I can run reports on what audiences we have, what courses we have but cannot work out how we know which courses have which audience assigned to them. 

For context we use Totara 13 and I have recently taken over the management of the platform. 

Craig Eves
Re: Reporting: Audiences assigned to courses
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2022年06月21日 Tuesday 18:38
小组 Totara

Hi Richard

There is a report source Audiences: Enrolled learning that shows the audiences and the courses and programs  the audience enrols them in.

If you want to list all the audiences for a course in one row then you can group with comma separated vales without duplication


Re: Reporting: Audiences assigned to courses
frostrichard 发表于 2022年06月21日 Tuesday 19:39

Fantastic thank you Craig that's great.