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Certification, course and unenrolment help

Certification, course and unenrolment help
FraserRebecca 发表于 2022年06月22日 Wednesday 17:13

Hi everyone, hoping for some help on a scenario.

Here are the steps:

  • a team member is recorded as complete in a course via a barcode scan of the course number
  • When complete in the course, as long as the completion date is within the last 18 months, they are enrolled in to an audience
  • This audience then enrols them in to the certification as they have to complete this training annually


Sometimes a team member is no longer seen as able to use the equipment that this course trains them in, so they are unenrolled from the course. However, as the course completion is still within the last 18 months, they remain in the audience and therefore in the certification

I can't see how I can create an audience with a course enrolment status, which would be ideal?

Does anyone have any work arounds on how they might have achieved something like this?

Re: Certification, course and unenrolment help
BlakeSue 发表于 2022年06月23日 Thursday 00:18
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Hi Rebecca, 

Not exactly the same scenario, but I think Matt Carson's response to my forum post here might be worth taking a look at:
