Totara Community Updates

Talent Experience Platform live demo today! + Human-connected, game-based learning for coaching & mentoring

Matt Linaker
Talent Experience Platform live demo today! + Human-connected, game-based learning for coaching & mentoring
door Matt Linaker - Wednesday, 20 July 2022, 05:51 AM
Groep Totara

Hi everyone, 

Take a closer look at the latest release of the Talent Experience Platform today at 4pm BST. 

Join Lee Cooper, Senior Totara Solutions Consultant at Totara Learning, for this session and find out how Totara can empower you to build a better workplace, increase resilience and prosper in today’s fast-changing world. In this session, you’ll see a demonstration of: 

  • Totara Learn 

  • Totara Perform

  • Totara Engage

Register now to discover how these products combine to create the Totara Talent Experience Platform.

27th July: Human-connected, game-based learning for coaching & mentoring

We all know that learner engagement is key to success, and there are some skills it’s very difficult to learn without genuine opportunities to practice. Join the Humanitarian Leadership Academy (Save the Children), Catalyst IT and Gamoteca next Wednesday for an interactive session on increasing human connection in online learning.

Learn more about the Kaya Totara platform and how it has democratised learning for over half a million humanitarians around the world.

The session will introduce Gamoteca, a human-connected, multi-player, creator platform and learner app, and how it has been used for coaching & mentoring and to include interactive peer-to-peer learning activities on Kaya. Catalyst will demonstrate the plugin they’ve developed to easily integrate Gamoteca with Totara.


Version 16 training available

A couple of weeks ago we announced that training was now available for version 16 of Totara. Learn all about everything that’s new from Totara! Demonstrate your skills and get certified in the latest version, whichever Totara product(s) you use:

If you’re already certified in version 15 and would like to increase your certification to version 16, you’ll have access to our bridging course Catching up on Totara 16 (only visible to certified v15 Site Administrators). Complete the bridging course, and we’ll award you your version 16 Site Administrator certification.

Are you on top of the discussions in our Course Creation workspace?

There’s a vibrant community of learning professionals discussing ideas and challenges around course creation in our Course Creation workspace. If you create learning content for your organisation and you’d like to meet others doing the same, don’t miss out, become a member today!

Are you getting some weekly microlearning tips? 

Sign up for our weekly microlearning to get a video and other useful resources in your inbox every week.

I hope to see you at today's webinar, but if not, take a look at all our webinars on demand here.