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Help us improve Totara's content editor tool

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Help us improve Totara's content editor tool
by Kevin Smith - Thursday, 21 July 2022, 6:58 AM

Hi everyone, 

I'm Kevin, a UX Researcher at Totara, and I'd like your help.
The product team are currently working on the content editor tool that you find in various places in Totara products. It's used to enter text and format it, add images and links, etc. Examples of where it is used (and image below):

  • Adding content to a course enrolment page you are creating/editing
  • Adding content to an Engage resource you are creating you are creating/editing
  • Posting in a discussion, or adding a description, on an Engage workspace 'discussions' page.
  • Adding content to a performance activity element, e.g. appraisal, in Perform.

I'm using it right now to create this post! 

We'd like to know more about how you use it, including:

  • What type of content do you add or edit (text, image, tabular data etc.)
  • How do you want to lay out the content (columns/variable widths/simple/advanced) and does it change depending on the context?

If you'd like to help us learn more, feel free to book a Zoom call (30min) using this link. Slots are available from Fri 22nd until Weds 27th, so this is quite a limited window.  

Come back with any questions you have. 

Many thanks!   

Andrew Robinson
Re: Help us improve Totara's content editor tool
by Andrew Robinson - Tuesday, 15 November 2022, 3:20 PM

Hi Kevin, I just started a thread about adding the 3 code formatting options before I saw your post - adding these formatting options as standard would greatly enhance Totara's appeal to organisations with tech teams collaborating and sharing knowledge.