Totara Learn Open Discussions

Assigning a certification to an existing course

Paul Lowndes
Assigning a certification to an existing course
de Paul Lowndes - Friday, 30 de September de 2022, 06:30
Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Dear all

Quick question. 

We have a course which many users have already completed and we now want to make this a certification so they have to retake the course after 4 years.

If I assign the certification to a user who has already completed the course will the certification automatically display as certified based on the previous course completion record so the user only needs to retake the courses when their certification window opens ?



Larry Mitipelo
Re: Assigning a certification to an existing course
de Larry Mitipelo - Sunday, 2 de October de 2022, 11:45
Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2021Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2022Grupo Most helpful contributor 2023

Hi Paul,

In my experience it depends on how long ago they completed the course.

You have a long active period (4 years) for the cert so as long as they did the course within 4 years of the cert being assigned to them the cert should pick that up and set an expiry date accordingly.

e.g. if they completed the course on 01/10/2020 and you assigned them to the cert today the expiry date should be set as 01/10/2024 for them

If you have completion dates outside of 4 years you might have an issue. 



Paul Lowndes
Re: Assigning a certification to an existing course
de Paul Lowndes - Monday, 3 de October de 2022, 03:52
Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi Larry

Thanks for this. 

We now seem to have this working now as you've described. Once enrolled on the new certification the user is marked as being certified with an expiry date set 4 years from when the course was completed.

One thing to note was that to achieve this we had to remove the due date.

Normally we set a due date of 1 month in case someone is assigned the certification who has not previously completed the course in some other way.

When we did this we found that users with previous course completions had their records wiped , resulting in them having to retake the course.

To get round this we now assign the course via a programme initially and then assign a certification with the same course to pick up renewals.

