Totara Learn Open Discussions

Course Activities

Gemma Mortimer
Course Activities
von Gemma Mortimer – Tuesday, 8 November 2022, 1:58 AM

Hi Everyone,

I need your help please.

I have been asked if there is a way to release activities in a different order for each user enrolled on to a course.

For example: There are 10 activities to complete in the course but depending on medical need each user will need a different order, completing an activity not relevant can affect their care.

Is there a way to set this up in Totara to avoid it being a manual process?

NB. We have considered both disabling the accordion mode on the course and also adding a disclaimer on each activity to only complete if advised by your clinician.



Craig Eves
Re: Course Activities
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Tuesday, 8 November 2022, 7:01 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Gemma

It is possible to restrict access to activities based on a series of conditions 

For example an activity could be visible to users if they are a member of an audience, position or group and have completed another activity with a passing grade 

Does this sound this would suit your case?
