Totara Learn Open Discussions

Overwriting CSS values in custome theme

Aleksander Lech
Overwriting CSS values in custome theme
von Aleksander Lech – Tuesday, 20 December 2022, 5:26 AM
Gruppe 2022 Learner of the Year (Bronze)Gruppe TXP Site Administrator

Hi All,

I created custome theme based on instructions here:

I am unable to overwrite any of the default theme settings - I'd like to set up my own default colors.

In my local totara I have those folders created:



in theme_mytheme i have:

global_styles/_variables.scss - and here I added:

:root {
// Theme colours
// Default state colour, shows an element is interactive
/* theme:var */
--color-state: #ffcc00;
After purging caches, theme still shows default values from Ventura instead from mytheme.

Is it something more I should do?




Alexander Süß
Re: Overwriting CSS values in custome theme
von Alexander Süß – Thursday, 22 December 2022, 5:41 AM
Gruppe TXP Site Administrator
On the client side you use the TUI-framework (totara user interface) which depends on a build process for changes to take effect. Please find further information here:

I'm not sure you can override variables on the server side, but if you want to try it.
Create a custom.css in /server/theme/mytheme/style/ and include the css in your theme config ../theme/mytheme/config.php with
$THEME->sheets = ['custom'];