Totara Learn Open Discussions

Notification setting for company goal?

Erinn Ollington
Notification setting for company goal?
di Erinn Ollington - Tuesday, 3 January 2023, 20:07


I am wanting to know how to set up/manage notifications for company goals. I want the selected audience to receive a notification that they have been assigned a goal otherwise the only way they would be aware was if they opened the goal page. I have tested and played with this in the playground site but I cannot seem to find a way to edit notification settings for goals like you can for events. I do have Site Administrator capabilities so can anyone help me? 

Phil Williscroft
Re: Notification setting for company goal?
di Phil Williscroft - Wednesday, 18 January 2023, 12:56

Hi Erinn.

To introduce myself.  I'm Totara's product manager for Perform.

There's no notification for Goal assignment.  However we are working on Goals for v18.  The first part of that work will be a user talent summary.  There will be a goal assignment notification in there.

I'd have expected that the assignment of goals to an individual would be accompanied by a discussion about what these goals represented to that individual.  Can you explain more about the process so I can understand your use case better.



Erinn Ollington
Re: Notification setting for company goal?
di Erinn Ollington - Sunday, 22 January 2023, 14:00

Hi Phil, 

I am wanting to assign a company goal to our entire department and require this assignment to have a notification as the employees otherwise won't know they have been assigned this goal. Many employee's would not go into the goal section often and would not realise they have been assigned any goals unless there was a notification. 

Thanks for your reply! 
