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Duplication of scales and frameworks

Erin Milanese
Duplication of scales and frameworks
על ידי Erin Milanese בתאריך 7/02/2023, 10:59
קבוצה Totaraקבוצה TXP Site Administrator

We are starting to encounter clients that have lots of scales and competency frameworks; it would be a big time saver if we could duplicate frameworks and scales instead of having to create multiple from scratch. 

Along the same lines, the ability to upload scales and frameworks via CSV would also be a time saver. 

Phil Williscroft
Re: Duplication of scales and frameworks
על ידי Phil Williscroft בתאריך 7/02/2023, 13:25

Hi Erin.

To introduce myself.  I'm the product manager for Perform.  I look after competency.

I have a couple of questions and comments so I can understand better.

  • Frameworks
    • Duplication.  Can you explain more about how duplicating a framework would help?
    • Importing frameworks.  Yes I agree.  Being able to import existing competency frameworks in their entirety would be useful.
      We look at this as part of v16 when we added the ability to copy achievement paths (in perform Competency achievement). 

      Our decision on this was:
      • best practice integration is to use an API framework.  Which we have started, but not extended to include competency.
      • using csv files, while more human, is complex for competency (in Perform) as this is a relational structure so managing it with flat files is complex and prone to error.
      • Given that we decided that we should use APIs if we are going to do anything in this area.  At that point we didn't see this as the highest priority to work on.  This we chose to develop the ability to copy achievement paths.

  • Scales.  
    • Importing.  See above (altho the relational issue is obviously less relevant here.
    • Duplication.  You can re-use a scale on many frameworks.  What advantage would duplicating a scale give you?

 If others see value in offering API integration for competency frameworks please +1 this idea.  I will respond to customer interest.


Erin Milanese
Re: Duplication of scales and frameworks
על ידי Erin Milanese בתאריך 7/02/2023, 14:27
קבוצה Totaraקבוצה TXP Site Administrator

Hi Phil, 

This is probably a unique situation. Our client is a US government agency that has a lot of positions with unique but similar competency and proficiency requirements for each. 

For example, a single position for this agency might have 6 rankings. For each of those 6 rankings, we have to create a separate framework and scale because there are different competency requirements based on rank, and different requirements for minimum proficiency. 

Hope that helps - happy to provide more info or schedule a time to meet to show you what we're trying to do if that would be useful. 


Phil Williscroft
Re: Duplication of scales and frameworks
על ידי Phil Williscroft בתאריך 7/02/2023, 15:18

Hi Erin.

I've had a good look at the US Fed competency framework.  Are you using Perform?  I did a demo of the US Fed system and it works using Perform

With Perform.

You can.

  • Assign by rank (GS)
  • Assign proficiency by assignment.  So as GS goes up each assignment's proficiency (on the scale) can change.  See
Have a look.  I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

Erin Milanese
Re: Duplication of scales and frameworks
על ידי Erin Milanese בתאריך 17/02/2023, 10:43
קבוצה Totaraקבוצה TXP Site Administrator
Hi Phil, 

Thanks for the info! Apologies for the delay; I wanted to touch base with my boss to get more info on our use case. 

We are using Perform, but for now are working on T.14.

We are also already assigning by Rank and using the proficiency assignment tool. 

For us, in a situation with multiple frameworks and scales, it would save a lot of time if we could duplicate and then swap out the scale.