Totara Learn Open Discussions

Making quiz question changes/updates - how to do when linked to course completion

Fiona Bowen
Making quiz question changes/updates - how to do when linked to course completion
von Fiona Bowen – Wednesday, 8 March 2023, 1:28 PM

Hi all,

We're using Version 12 of Totara and I'm keen to better understand the Quiz function, and how to amend the content of a quiz after it's already been completed and linked to course completion.  I obviously don't want to impact users completion records.  

Does the following sound correct to you? - testing my understanding of Totara Help files/info:

* Once a quiz has been completed by any users it can't be altered/updated as user records will be affected

* Perhaps the best solution is to create another quiz and change the course completion activity link to the new quiz/not linking to the old quiz?  My understanding is that anyone who completed the course under the old requirements (ie old quiz) will remain complete; and new users will be required to complete the new quiz.  The system works this way I believe and updates accordingly?

* To work around doing the above each time a question needs to be changed, updated - If a question bank for quizzes is used, can this help the issue?  Can you alter a quiz once users have started completing it - but use questions in the question bank to effectively 'swap questions out' from the original quiz?  If so, can you add new questions to the question bank in an ongoing way to support this need, ie as new questions are required?

Look forward to hearing from you and any advice you have!

Kind regards,


Craig Eves
Re: Making quiz question changes/updates - how to do when linked to course completion
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Thursday, 9 March 2023, 7:13 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Fiona

Can you explain the problem a bit more 

Do you need to regrade completed quizzes as a question answer is incorrect? 

Do you want to add new questions and keep the existing completed quizzes? 

Is the order of questions important or are selecting random questions from question bank Ok?


Fiona Bowen
Re: Making quiz question changes/updates - how to do when linked to course completion
von Fiona Bowen – Tuesday, 14 March 2023, 5:34 PM
Hi Craig - Thanks for responding. 

We have courses with quizzes that users have already completed, but the course owners want to update the quiz - take some questions out, update some of them and add new ones. 

Answers to your questions - 

Do you need to regrade completed quizzes as a question answer is incorrect?  - No.

Do you want to add new questions and keep the existing completed quizzes? - Yes, if you can?  Will this affect the completion records of those who have completed the quiz so far, will it allow new users to simply do the new quiz for their course completion?

Is the order of questions important or are selecting random questions from question bank Ok? - Great question - use of question bank could be ok, but guessing if I said order of questions is important makes a difference?

Appreciate your help.

Kind regards,


Craig Eves
Re: Making quiz question changes/updates - how to do when linked to course completion
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Tuesday, 14 March 2023, 7:43 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Fiona

Thanks for answering - there is an option to regrade but doesn't sound like this is required

I was thinking you could add the new and updated questions to a question bank and have a random selection of a number of questions which would work if the order of questions isn't important.

I assume that this is allowed in a quiz that has completed questions - can you check this is allowed and works for you?
