Totara Learn Open Discussions

Assignment email notifications for graders

Assignment email notifications for graders
PopitaFrancesca 发表于 2023年06月2日 Friday 01:37


I have a question regarding the notifications being sent to the graders when learners upload assignments. I believe I have all the settings set correctly for email notifications to be sent to the graders:

  • 'Notify graders about submissions' set to 'Yes'

  • went to Message Outputs in the Plugins section and ticked the box to enable notifications for graders;

  • I added myself as a trainer for an assignment and checked my Message preferences section in my profile and enabled all notifications to ON on Totara.

Issue is that it does not send an email to me (as a mockup trainer who should grade the assignment) either way. I don't know what else I'm missing but can't figure it out.

Would someone be able to help on this? Thanks!

Craig Eves
Re: Assignment email notifications for graders
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2023年06月5日 Monday 21:07
小组 Totara

Hi Francesca

Can you check that the users who are graders have a role assigned to them that has the mod/assign:receivegradernotifications allowed ?

If this is allowed - are groups being used in the assignment ?


Re: Assignment email notifications for graders
PopitaFrancesca 发表于 2023年06月8日 Thursday 03:02

Hi Craig,

Thanks for your response. I've checked and the mod/assign:receivegradernotifications is allowed.

No groups are being used in the assignment.

Any other thing I can check maybe? Would this be a bug then?


Re: Assignment email notifications for graders
WranaMarion 发表于 2024年05月30日 Thursday 12:01

Has this been resolved by any chance? We're having the same issue and can't figure out where we went wrong. An update would be much appreciated! Thanks!