Suggest Totara Perform features

Perform activity progress in audiences

Kevin Donaghy
Perform activity progress in audiences
by Kevin Donaghy - Thursday, 15 June 2023, 1:32 AM
Group Perform Site Administrator

I would love to be able to be able to generate audiences that can track the completion status of a perform activity so much like I can with a learning activity. Is there any plan to implement these options in the audience rule set selection?

Ashley Mundy
Re: Perform activity progress in audiences
by Ashley Mundy - Thursday, 15 June 2023, 8:11 PM
Group Totara

Hi Kevin,

Product Manager here again! I'm curious to know more about this suggestion. Could you please describe the scenario or use case in which you would create these audiences? How would they be used in Totara after users are added to such an audience?

Thank you!

Kevin Donaghy
Re: Perform activity progress in audiences
by Kevin Donaghy - Friday, 16 June 2023, 12:33 AM
Group Perform Site Administrator

Thanks Ashley. One scenario we're currently facing is that a significant chunk of our original appraisal assignment audience are now being offered an extended due date. Essentially we haven't been able to recruit a number of managers which in turn has led to a very high number of appraisals for the remainder.

In this scenario I would like to filter off only those people who meet the criteria for removal (using organization) but ignore those who are already complete. Currently I can't match the second rule as there is no way to review perform activity progress in an audience.

I personally could see other reasons for using this, especially for example where I might want to see who has completed an appraisal AND then had one or more check-ins. Or to be able to open a support learning set, or filter visibility to a link/menu item whilst say still in progress but when the perform activity is complete this would no longer be required for until the next instance.

I personally find audiences the foundation stone for almost all functionality on Totara and they have been so useful for providing the route to solutions that I just couldn't manage otherwise; so I would be greedy in having as many options for filtering as possible.