Totara Learn Open Discussions

Course completion not showing for users

Melissa White
Course completion not showing for users
על ידי Melissa White בתאריך 24/07/2023, 14:41

Kia ora

We receive multiple emails a week from users who have completed modules but aren't showing as completed in the system.

Is there a thread on here i can refer to please for advice? I tried to do a search but couldn't find anything.

Ngā mihi


Craig Eves
Re: Course completion not showing for users
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 25/07/2023, 20:34
קבוצה Totara

Hi Mellisa

This is the right forum - the course completion conditions can include a lot of different conditions apart from activity completion such as course grade, date, completion of other courses.

One way to check this is through Course admin > Reports > Course completion this shows all the completion conditions and whether the user has completed these.
