Totara Learn Open Discussions

Multiple completions of a course not recording

Rebecca Fraser
Multiple completions of a course not recording
par Rebecca Fraser, Wednesday 2 August 2023, 19:32

Hi all, we allow our team members to complete courses multiple times, and have the completion settings learning objects>last completed attempt.

Our team members are going in, selecting start a new attempt. And completing the course. They can see these attempts on the course landing page, but it is actually not being recorded in the course completion history and we can't see it as a transaction; even though they see this. They also don't see their completions in their record of learning, just on the landing page here?

Their landing page:

Number of attempts allowed: Unlimited
Number of attempts you have made: 2
Grade for attempt 1: 1
Grade for attempt 2: 1
Grading method: Last completed attempt
Grade reported: 1

Our transaction history: 

3 Aug 2023 at 11:55:46 (1691027746)Admin UserDue date updated in update_completion_due_dates_task to Not set (null)
3 Aug 2023 at 02:05:13 (1690992313)Admin UserDue date updated in update_completion_due_dates_task to Not set (null)
3 Aug 2023 at 01:14:53 (1690989293)Admin UserDue date updated in update_completion_due_dates_task to Not set (null)
3 Aug 2023 at 01:14:46 (1690989286)Admin UserDue date updated in update_completion_due_dates_task to Not set (null)
3 Aug 2023 at 01:11:24 (1690989084)Admin UserDue date updated in update_completion_due_dates_task to Not set (null)
3 Aug 2023 at 01:11:13 (1690989073)Admin UserDue date updated in update_completion_due_dates_task to Not set (null)
2 Aug 2023 at 13:13:09 (1690945989)Admin UserDue date updated in update_completion_due_dates_task to Not set (null)

Craig Eves
Re: Multiple completions of a course not recording
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Wednesday 2 August 2023, 19:52
Groupe Totara

Hi Rebecca

A course completion record is only moved to historic course completion if the course has been reset or archived.

The resetting can be achieved through the 

  • course administration menu, 
  • the course completion editor 
  • or as part of the recertification.

If a course is completed again without resetting then the current course completion record will still be used.


Rebecca Fraser
Re: Multiple completions of a course not recording
par Rebecca Fraser, Wednesday 2 August 2023, 20:39

Thanks Craig, was this different in T12? 

Gamale Soriano
Re: Multiple completions of a course not recording
par Gamale Soriano, Thursday 16 November 2023, 05:32

This is very helpful information, Craig and Rebecca. How about courses that no grade limit but is reccorded as a fail.

The system has

"core.exit=suspend" but the grade was 92. We are using an AICC link for this. How do we fix this? The completion is not appearing on the editor but the report captured the grade.