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Ability to remove all individual assignments to program / certification in bulk

Daniel Bond
Ability to remove all individual assignments to program / certification in bulk
by Daniel Bond - Tuesday, 22 August 2023, 3:40 AM
Group Most helpful contributor 2023

With the Legacy Program Assignment Interface being depreciated (and due to be removed is v18), there is one feature that the new interface lacks which the old one had: the ability to remove all individual program / certification assignments in bulk. Use case:

  • I upload certification records for 500 staff not currently assigned to the certification. I don't want them to be assigned as individuals going forward, so I then need to remove those individual assignments.

Previously with the Legacy Program Assignment interface, there was a button to remove all individual assignments with a single click. Now, the assignment interface says there are more than 100 entires so it can't display them (and I need to filter). Even if I was to filter, that still requires 500+ clicks to remove everyone.

A link on the new Program Assignment interface saying "Remove all individual assignments" and then a suitable confirmation dialog would solve this and allow us to use the actually much better interface full time (and upgrade to v18 when the time comes).

Craig Eves
Re: Ability to remove all individual assignments to program / certification in bulk
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 22 August 2023, 2:57 PM
Group Totara

Hi Daniel

This does sound a good idea.

I tried enabling the legacy program assignment interface and am not able to see a delete button for all the individual assignments. 

Does this only appear when the individual records are imported? 


Daniel Bond
Re: Ability to remove all individual assignments to program / certification in bulk
by Daniel Bond - Wednesday, 23 August 2023, 1:38 AM
Group Most helpful contributor 2023
When I've got individuals assigned, there is a hyperlink to remove everyone:

Wondering if it's a customisation by our Totara Partner, but either way it's very useful!

Richard Chambury
Re: Ability to remove all individual assignments to program / certification in bulk
by Richard Chambury - Monday, 4 September 2023, 12:48 AM
Group Partners

Dan, this is indeed a customisation we have applied to all customer sites and that will be carried into v18. I'll ensure you are notified once the staging environment is set up so you can test locally.
