Totara Learn Open Discussions

Images in scorm file blocked for users but not admin

Jacque Cardenas
Images in scorm file blocked for users but not admin
de Jacque Cardenas - Tuesday, 22 de August de 2023, 16:30


We are on v12.9 Learn (I know...upgrading very soon).  We have a single scorm course received from a vendor that has 2 pages with images that display only for the admin user.  Other users (including others with sub admin permissions) are unable to see the images.  

We have played around with Chrome settings and have not found a solution so far.  See attached screenshots of the admin role (with images) and sub admin role (icons only--no images).

Any thoughts on how to fix the issue?

The images have URL addresses.


Craig Eves
Re: Images in scorm file blocked for users but not admin
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 22 de August de 2023, 18:45
Grupo Totara

Hi Jacque

The images from that URL is publicly available when I tried it and also the admin can access these.

Is the user able to access the file when they use this address ?

If you switch the role to a trainer role are the images available?

Are you or your partner able to create a support ticket with a copy of package and settings and what Totara version is being used?


Jacque Cardenas
Re: Images in scorm file blocked for users but not admin
de Jacque Cardenas - Wednesday, 23 de August de 2023, 09:46

Hi Craig,

Yes, the user can view the image if they access it outside of the LMS via the link I included. The images do not come up when switching to the trainer role.

Yes, we will create a support ticket. Just wanted to check in here first in case anyone had a solution.

Thank you!