Totara Learn Open Discussions

Close Captioning on Videos

Sean Lake
Close Captioning on Videos
بواسطة Thursday, 24 August 2023, 9:32 AM - Sean Lake

Good day!

We are going to be setting up our courses for clients, and currently, those videos do not have closed captioning so we are looking at ways to add those.

SO my question is, if we upload our videos to the courses, does Totara have a tool that automatically adds closed captioning? And if so, is it editable?

Otherwise, we may add closed captioning before hand, and upload, if possible, with the closed captioning.

What typically or how is this handled?

Jordan Ash
Re: Close Captioning on Videos
بواسطة Wednesday, 30 August 2023, 9:33 AM - Jordan Ash
مجموعة Totaraمجموعة TXP Site Administrator

Hi Sean,

In the Totara Community courses, we embed YouTube videos into the course page.

YouTube has a feature where you can upload the script of a video, and it will automatically sync the words with the voiceover. The captions are also fully customisable.

Sean Lake
Re: Close Captioning on Videos
بواسطة Wednesday, 30 August 2023, 2:48 PM - Sean Lake

Thanks Jordan!

Does Totara also allow for .mp4 and .srt file uploads? We already have these files that are going to be uploaded in bulk with the assistance of the good peeps here, and instead of us having to work with YT for this, we'd prefer this method as our CC have to be edited by the instructors first.

Jordan Ash
Re: Close Captioning on Videos
بواسطة Tuesday, 5 September 2023, 2:40 AM - Jordan Ash
مجموعة Totaraمجموعة TXP Site Administrator

Hi Sean, 

You can upload an mp4 and add captions using the html editor in Totara.

Click the video icon in the editor, and then you can browse repositories and search for your mp4 file.