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report to see who my Editing Trainer's are?

report to see who my Editing Trainer's are?
KamberiAlkida 发表于 2023年10月3日 Tuesday 15:12


Does anyone know if I am able to run a report who my Editing Trainer's are sitewide?

Many thans


Craig Eves
Re: report to see who my Editing Trainer's are?
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2023年10月3日 Tuesday 19:38
小组 Totara

Hi Akido

Similar answer to the question above

The users report sources don't include role as a filter unfortunately.

It is possible under user bulk actions to filter by course roles or system roles and then export or display on page the records

Currently this is the closest to a role filter there is


Re: report to see who my Editing Trainer's are?
KamberiAlkida 发表于 2023年11月15日 Wednesday 13:03

Thank you Chris. I have assigned 327 Editing Trainers to 327 Course Pages and I need a quick way of finding out who they are for example names and email address.

