Suggest Totara Learn features

Control over Learning Plan notifications

Jon Evans
Control over Learning Plan notifications
by Jon Evans - Friday, 13 October 2023, 3:50 AM
Group Partners

There is currently no control over the various Learning Plan alerts that Totara sends to users. This results in many unwanted notifications being sent, which in some cases has prevented enabling alerts altogether. This then means that other required alerts e.g. seminar notifications don't get sent.

As an example:

A manager receives an alert every time a course within a Learning Plan is updated by a staff member. This occurs regularly yet is not useful as an alert and cannot be switched off.

As part of your thinking for developing/improving Learning Plans, can this issue be addressed? We should have a finer degree of control over LP notifications.

Helen Dudley
Re: Control over Learning Plan notifications
by Helen Dudley - Sunday, 15 October 2023, 2:27 PM

We are looking at developing learning plans but would shy away if there were yet more alerts going to managers. Having the same functionality as the seminar notifications would be very useful. And expanding that to badge notifications would also be useful. Currently there is no way to manage badge notificaitons.