Totara Learn Open Discussions


James Gilfoyle
door James Gilfoyle - Thursday, 26 October 2023, 06:20 AM

Hi all,

I have a standard set of competencies against which we are applying three different scales. I seem to only be able to select one scale though?

Example -

Org Framework > Communicating and Influencing Behaviour > 9 individual competencies.

We have nine different behaviours and individual sets of competencies.

We then have three scales we want to apply to each competency:

  • Knowledge / Understanding

  • Active Demonstration

  • Learning undertaken

Short of duplicating every single competency three times and calling them the different scales… I don't seem to have a way of just setting a competency to test against multiple scales… is that right or am i missing a tick box somewhere?

Craig Eves
Re: Competencies
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 31 October 2023, 19:41 PM
Groep Totara

Hi James

You are right only one competency scale can be used for each competency framework.

It is possible to have another achievement path per competency so the competency could be achieved a variety of ways , including proficiency in other competency frameworks. This would allow another scale to be used there but may be difficult to administer so another achievement path would be better to use if possible..
