Totara Learn Open Discussions

Hashtags and search

Senka Grossauer
Hashtags and search
door Senka Grossauer - Monday, 13 November 2023, 05:15 AM


we have noticed that that giving hashtags to playlists' description help with the search in workspaces (Workspace > Search Library field) but when the same hashtags are given to a resource, it has no influence on the search and the resource wouldn't appear when you search that hashtag.

The following usecase:

One workspace has a playlist and resource (outside of the playlist). Both Playlist and a resource have same hashtags: Playlist in a description and Resource as part of the content field. Searching the hashtag results only in finding the playlist.

I am confused because the information icon that appears while creating the resource states the following: "Hashtags make it easier to find information on specific themes. For example, a resource about workplace hazards might include hashtags like #healthandsafety #staysafe #hazards."

Has anyone else experienced the same issue?

Where can we put resource hashtags so that they would appear in the search? Is there any way to make resources "searchable" by using the hastags?

In case you need more information, I would be happy to provide!

Many thanks in advance.


Craig Eves
Re: Hashtags and search
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 13 November 2023, 14:12 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Senka

Can you confirm that the hashtags in the resource are shown as a hyperlink in the resource.

Can you also confirm that the user who is searching has access to view the resource ?

If this looks Ok then can you clear the filters in the catalogue search and enter the hashtag again?

When I tried searching in the catalogue for resource by hashtag name in latest 17 the resource was found Ok


Senka Grossauer
Re: Hashtags and search
door Senka Grossauer - Monday, 13 November 2023, 23:17 PM

Hi Craig,

thank you so much for your quick answer!

Yes, I confirm that I am allowed to see the resource (Everyone can view setting) and that the hashtag is a hyperlink. But I am not searching in the course catalog, since we don't have resources in it (it doesn't fit our solution). I was searching in the search field within the workspace. I've attached some screenshots to illustrate the usecase.

Totara version 17.11.

Thank you so much for looking into this!

Best regards,

Craig Eves
Re: Hashtags and search
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 14 November 2023, 11:27 AM
Groep Totara

Hi Senka

I can confirm that the hashtags only work for catalogue searches and not in searches in the Library.

Searches in the Library only seem to search by resource name and Topic and not content within the resource.

The interface in later versions of Totara show the filters available clearer

To only search through the Library you will have to define topics and add the resource to a topic rather than hashtags.
