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Graph QL: create user with saml2

Martin Sandberg
Graph QL: create user with saml2
על ידי Martin Sandberg בתאריך 14/11/2023, 02:12
קבוצה Partners


I am trying to setup a site for a customer (Totara 17.7) who wants to use Graph QL instead of HR sync to handle the users/jobroles etc.

I can create users with password but when I try to create users with auth set to saml2 I get one of two errors:

1. No password added:

"debugMessage": "Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: Required parameter - password not being passed",

2. Password added: debugMessage": "The authentication plugin dose not support password creation.",

So it seems to me that it is not possible to create users with saml2 as auth with Graph QL.

Am I missing something here?

Martin Sandberg
Re: Graph QL: create user with saml2
על ידי Martin Sandberg בתאריך 14/11/2023, 07:22
קבוצה Partners

Looking into the code I see that this will never work. Password is a required field even if you have an auth type that does not require password.

So, this is a bugg and I have reported it as such