Totara Learn Open Discussions

Opening enrolment pages in new tabs (possible bug?)

Senka Grossauer
Opening enrolment pages in new tabs (possible bug?)
by Senka Grossauer - Friday, 19 January 2024, 12:08 AM

Dear Totara team,

recently we've descovered something that we believe is a bug.


  • detailed view enabled in course catalogue

  • learner navigates to a course catalogue and klicks on a course -> detailed view opens

  • learner navigates to Go to course button in the detailed view and with the right mouse click opens the enrolment page in another tab

  • learner navigates to another course he/she is interested in (while still in course catalogue) and opens it as well in another tab (same procedure like with the first course)

  • learner clicks on the first course opened in the new tab and clicks on the "Enrol" button (self-enrolment method enabled) -> instead of being enrolled into a course, learner is redirected to the second course's enrolment page.

Same happens when a learner opens three courses: he/she always gets redirected to the last course's enrolment page.

It seems to me this has something to do with browser sessions, but I might be wrong of course. Are you familiar with this behaviour? Does anyone else experience the same problem?

Version 17.11.

Many thanks in advance!


Craig Eves
Re: Opening enrolment pages in new tabs (possible bug?)
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 22 January 2024, 5:53 PM
Group Totara

Hi Senka

That is right this has to do with sessions - the same session key is not used in the same browser for security reasons . This means if you login as another user in the same browser the browser session for first user is stopped.

If you don't want this to happen then you can open window in incognito window or use a completely different browser.
