Totara Learn Open Discussions

Deprecation -> removal of legacy login page

Deprecation -> removal of legacy login page
de Stephen Sharpe - Wednesday, 21 de February de 2024, 00:59
Grupo Partners

Hi folks

We have previously developed a bespoke login page as part of our theme product, which includes extending and manipulating the data that passes through into the 'core/login' mustache template.

However, with the transition of the login page to the TUI framework in TXP 18, we would need to rethink how this data is extended/manipulated. All for making the transition, but having to revert to the legacy login method for now until we can have clarity on the following:

  • Is it possible to someway 'extend' the data via another plugin/theme that can pass data through to tui_view::create('core_auth/pages/Login', []); via server/auth/classes/controllers/login.php without having to make 'core hacks' as such?

  • When do you expect to completely remove $CFG->enable_legacy_login (as this is what we are currently using)


Craig Eves
Re: Deprecation -> removal of legacy login page
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Wednesday, 21 de February de 2024, 16:44
Grupo Totara

Hi Stephen

There is currently no way to extend the data through the template - are you able to create a support ticket with some more details of your use case so we can look at helping you.

We have no current plans for removing the legacy login - we would ensure that all use cases are addressed with the new login screen before removing this and give plenty of warning.


Re: Deprecation -> removal of legacy login page
de Stephen Sharpe - Thursday, 22 de February de 2024, 00:37
Grupo Partners

Thanks Craig, that is helpful.

Also yes, I'll raise a support ticket with more details.
