Totara Learn Open Discussions

Selective reporting on site-wide feedback.

Cathy Manhire
Selective reporting on site-wide feedback.
di Cathy Manhire - Wednesday, 21 February 2024, 01:17

Hi, We are using the site-wide feedback fron Front Page to deliver immediate and delayed feedback options to our site users. These are being mapped as appropriate to the majority of our courses. The feedback is not annonymous to allow our course managers to follow-up on comments if necessary.

I can't see how to give filtered access to the 'show responses' tab to editing trainers or any other elevated role. As site admin, when I access the feedback activity from a mapped course I get access to a filtered view for that course but an also in the position to filter to all other courses with responses in that feedback activity.

How can I give access to a specified role within the course to view the full responses, including names, without having to extract, manipulate and duplicate the information which might be sensitive?