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role based audience creation ?

Dhairya Kapadia
role based audience creation ?
von Dhairya Kapadia – Thursday, 22 February 2024, 1:00 AM
Gruppe Partners

wanted to know the steps if it's possible to add role-based dynamic audience.

for eg: all managers automatically get added to a dynamic audience.and so on

Andrew Metcalfe
Re: role based audience creation ?
von Andrew Metcalfe – Thursday, 22 February 2024, 2:03 PM
Gruppe Most Helpful Contributor 2022

Hi Dhairya,

Yes, most job allocation variables can be used in a dynamic audience, including derived ones such as 'Number of direct reports'. Simply use those in a dynamic audience rule:

For example:

Total number of direct reports: At least "1" person(s)

OR Total number of indirect reports: At least "1" person(s)

OR Total number of temporary reports: At least "1" person(s)
