Totara Learn Open Discussions

Viewing all scheduled reports

Jane Rutherford
Viewing all scheduled reports
על ידי Jane Rutherford בתאריך 23/02/2024, 06:56


We're a large charity with offices across the country. Each office has a manager and all managers have the ability to create their own scheduled reports.

Is there a way that we (site admin) can see all scheduled reports set up by all users across the network?

The site logs are massive and very difficult to sift through. Also, we're unsure if the scheduled reports are picked up in the logs.

Any help/insight much appreciated.

Thank you


Craig Eves
Re: Viewing all scheduled reports
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 25/02/2024, 12:55
קבוצה Totara

Hi Jane

There is a report source 'Scheduled reports' that provides this information - this is in version 13 so this should be able to see this.


Jane Rutherford
Re: Viewing all scheduled reports
על ידי Jane Rutherford בתאריך 1/03/2024, 02:26

Ah thanks again Craig.

Missed that - we'll look.

Appreciate your support.
