Totara Learn Open Discussions

Multi Event - Seminar Activity -iCal customisation?

Nevin Butcher
Multi Event - Seminar Activity -iCal customisation?
par Nevin Butcher, Tuesday 27 February 2024, 15:01

Hi All

In the scenario where you have a seminar event with multiple dates - Is there anyway to customise the individual ical notifications that the users receive for each dates?

Currently users receive the booking confirmation notification with each ical as an attachment, but the calendar entries themselves don't contain much info - they just say "this calendar event is for "seminar event name" that you have been booked into.

I can see that this text is available as a language string in the language pack but not sure how I would go about bringing more dynamic details in such as the "event details" or "virtual room url"

Thanks in advance if anyone knows/has any ideas.

