Totara Learn Open Discussions

Issue with updating NI number via HR import

Re: Issue with updating NI number via HR import
PatelKrishna 发表于 2024年05月2日 Thursday 00:47

Hello Craig

I appreciate your response.

That is accurate, yes. I was referring to the ID number. Job assignment is what we're using. As their ID number, we are using their NI number.

In the event that a new employee joins our company without providing their NI, we will add their ID number, 1234 (Example), until they do. The previous ID number, 1234, is being updated to NI, as soon as we receive their NI.

The issue is that the system always displays an error message when I try to update the ID number. The message that I get is:

jobassignment - Error "Unable to match useridnumber '1234' to a user ID number for job assignment '1'
Username xxxx is already registered. Skipped user 1234.

Re: Issue with updating NI number via HR import
BondDaniel 发表于 2024年05月21日 Tuesday 03:26
小组 Most helpful contributor 2023

You can update ID number using the "Upload users" functionality. The CSV file would have "username" and "idnumber" headings, so for example you would have:





if you wanted to update the ID number of user "learner" to "learner2".

This does require that the username you set up isn't changing (because that can't be bulk updated as far as I'm aware).