Totara Learn Open Discussions

Hide certification from learner ROL

Hide certification from learner ROL
GreenAdam 发表于 2024年05月8日 Wednesday 05:22


We have a scenario whereby we have a certification that contains three courses, lets call them Course A, B & C. We are able to report on compliance of all three courses within the certification as a whole, but we also want to report on Course B individually. As such, we have created a separate certification for Course B, and changed the visibility setting so that it is hidden from learners. However, the new certification is listed in the learners ROL alongside the original certification that contains all three courses.

Two questions I guess. Can I hade the new certification from the users ROL or how do I pull a compliance report for one course, without the need to create a certification.

Many Thanks in advance for your advice 🙂

Re: Hide certification from learner ROL
KurikovaNatalia 发表于 2024年05月8日 Wednesday 15:35
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Hi Adam

Have you considered using course completion report? I think you could use the Course name filter to get records for that particular course.

As for hiding things from ROL - I did something similar with courses, where I created a custom field with a checkbox to hide from record of learning. The ROL embedded report is set to only show courses that don't have the checkbox ticked.