Totara Learn Open Discussions

Course Completion Issues

Gill Mace
Course Completion Issues
von Gill Mace – Wednesday, 15 May 2024, 9:01 PM

Hi have recently upgraded to Totara V17.18.

Due to the way we had our assessment grading, the upgrade to the newer version was unable to support our current assessment scale.
We created a new assessment scale and new assessment activity.
We added the new activity to our courses. For some courses there are multiple course completion requirements therefore the Edit course completion settings are set to all.

This meant that we needed to deactivate the old assessment and activate the new assessment.

We have previously done this by simply selecting Unlock criteria without deleting.
This has previously retained the student's completion in the course progress.

However, upon adding the new assessment scale it deleted the course completion for all students within that particular course. This has not happened on all courses but is random in selection.

Is this a known issue within Totara V17.18 ?

Craig Eves
Re: Course Completion Issues
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Thursday, 16 May 2024, 8:34 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Gill

i don't think there is anything that has changed around course completions lately.

Are there any course completion conditions outside of activity completion conditions that might not be resetting correctly?

Can you check out the course completion record of a user in the course using the course completion editor - assuming there are some still there? The transaction tab should show details of what happened to the completion record - it may have been moved to history.
