Totara Learn Open Discussions

Assigning new Certification based on completion / non completions

Liz Baines
Assigning new Certification based on completion / non completions
di Liz Baines - Monday, 20 May 2024, 06:11


We have a group of staff who are assigned compliance training in the way of certifications, this is assigned by a dynamic audience.

We have recently purchased new training material and added a new course / certification for this. We want to assign this new course / certification to the dynamic audience however we do not want those who are currently certified to complete the new course as they are already up to date but would like the new course to become available when they are due for renewal and the old course to be archived / phased out.

Moreover, for those who have not completed or up to date the existing compliance course to be assigned the new course, so they complete the new course going forward.

Have you any advice of how I can potentially set this up in the system or have any other suggestions?

Many thanks


Craig Eves
Re: Assigning new Certification based on completion / non completions
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 20 May 2024, 20:52
Gruppo Totara

Hi Liz

The behaviour when adding a new course is described in

If you add a new course to the certification and recertification and delete the old course and the user has completed the certification they will remain complete and will need to do the new course when recertifying


Liz Baines
Re: Assigning new Certification based on completion / non completions
di Liz Baines - Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 05:49

Hello Craig, many thanks for your advice. We currently have 3 certifications live and this one course will replace all 3 certifications, would I apply the new courses to all 3 certifications? Or would this present exemption reports? Do you have any other suggestions?

Craig Eves
Re: Assigning new Certification based on completion / non completions
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 15:35
Gruppo Totara

Hi Liz

It is not recommended that the same course is used in more than one certification as when the course is reset for a users who is recertifying this will also reset the course in any other certifications that they are assigned to that has this course .

You will receive an exception if you try to do this and the users won't be assigned to the certification unless you choose to assign them. You can choose to assign if the user is only ever going to be assigned to one certification. if this isn't the case then create a copy of the course for each certification.
