Totara Learn Open Discussions

Previous event time period

Previous event time period
WranaMarion 发表于 2024年06月19日 Wednesday 13:26

There is an option to select the length of time you want to see the previous events on a seminar page. You can select "all events shown" or for the events to disappear after 30, 60, 90 days and so on.

What happens once the events disappear? Can Admins still see them, are they just not visible to the user?

Will users still see their attendance in their record of learning and will they still be able to view the certificate for this webinar?


Craig Eves
Re: Previous event time period
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2024年06月20日 Thursday 19:15
小组 Totara

Hi Marion

The previous events are still there and records kept. This setting just affects the display of past events to avoid cluttering the page.

In Totara 18 there is an option to Show all if this has a time restriction on it.
