Totara Learn Open Discussions

Courses and audience

Amanda Kavirathna
Courses and audience
بواسطة Wednesday, 26 June 2024, 3:29 AM - Amanda Kavirathna

we have a course going out with 8 batches, my question is, can we have one course created and assign it to 8 different audiences (8 batches)? each activity has a different period like batch 1 step 1 will start on the 1st of July and close on 3rd, and batch 2 step 1 will start on 8th and close on the 11th.

example: the course consists of 5 steps and there are some restrictions within the steps to make sure the users don't skip the steps and each activity has a specific period. (restrictions are given from dynamic audience)

Daniel Bond
Re: Courses and audience
بواسطة Friday, 28 June 2024, 2:12 AM - Daniel Bond
مجموعة Most helpful contributor 2023

You should be able to do this using content restriction sets:

It's going to be a bit labour-intensive, but certainly not outside the realms of possibility.

Amanda Kavirathna
Re: Courses and audience
بواسطة Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 3:40 AM - Amanda Kavirathna

Thank You so much