Could you tell me what it is the difference between dashboard and home in Totara?
Because they look the same to me.
Thank you very much
Could you tell me what it is the difference between dashboard and home in Totara?
Because they look the same to me.
Thank you very much
Hi Ludovica,
I wasn't sure what you meant by "home" in Totara, but I'm familiar with the functionality of Dashboards.
In TAEC, the Dashboard is my default homepage within every Totara project. Dashboards are very useful for creating different homepages for various segments within your organization.
You can create dashboards for:
The entire organization
Specific positions
Targeted audiences or roles
Reporting (controlled by audiences and roles) for managers
Different tenants, with customized layouts and appearances
For example, I created an onboarding dashboard for new employees. Once they complete their initial training or reach their 90th day, they automatically switch to a training dashboard with new programs. All controlled automatically through audience membership.
In short, the dashboard is the primary homepage in Totara.
Hello Servando,
Thank you for your reply.
I have attached the image, so that is can be a little clearer.
At the moment, if I click the home button, I can see exactly the same things that I can see on the dashboard.
So, I was wondering if there is any difference between the two and how I can customise it.
Thank you so much
It's the same page. You can see it in the URL.
I usually hide the home button because the end user will click on the logo image to return to the main page. You can hide it in the navigation options (/totara/core/menu/index.php)