Totara Learn Open Discussions

Name of Tags: Multi-Lang

Peter Imre Oliver
Name of Tags: Multi-Lang
von Peter Imre Oliver – Thursday, 4 July 2024, 12:45 AM
Gruppe Helpful contributor 2024

Dear Experts,

I would like to ask about tags, and if you know about the possibility to use multi-lang code in the name of tags, e.g.:

<span lang="en" class="multilang">Assisted Living</span><span lang="de" class="multilang">Betreutes Wohnen</span>

This is possible in some Title fields (like in Dashboards), but for tags, I have found it to not be functional. The tag name is processed like this:

I would be happy to hear some ideas 🙂

Best Regards


Craig Eves
Re: Name of Tags: Multi-Lang
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Thursday, 4 July 2024, 4:51 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Peter

There was a request for this and an explanation that Tags can't be filtered, they need to be plain text and have to exact in the current architecture. Introducing filtering there would mean changing a lot of code.

Potentially there is a solution in relating tags - I tried this but the related tag didn't seem to show in the area I tried the course catalogue
