Totara Community Updates

Behind the Scenes with the University of Nottingham Online webinar today + Totara Learn Site Admin program v18 available now

Matt Linaker
Behind the Scenes with the University of Nottingham Online webinar today + Totara Learn Site Admin program v18 available now
بواسطة Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 2:58 AM - Matt Linaker
مجموعة Totara

Hi everyone, 

Join us today for a behind-the-scenes look at the University of Nottingham Online. Luis Neves, Director of Product and Operations, is going to walk us through the university’s collaboration with Catalyst IT detailing exactly how they set up and implemented their Totara platform.

We’ll also learn how the university are leveraging microcredentials and audience segmentation to enhance their training programs.

The webinar takes place today at 4pm (London) 

Save your spot

Is this webinar outside your timezone or do you have a meeting clash? If you’re interested in this presentation, sign up and we’ll send you the recording.

New Totara Learn Site Admin program v18 now available

Alongside our full Totara Site Administrator program for v18, we have just launched our Totara Learn Site Administrator program focused just on the features available if you are using Totara Learn.

As always, if you have previously completed any of the courses in the program, you will automatically be marked as complete for those courses.

Congratulations to the many Community members who have already completed all of these courses and been awarded their program badge!

New Podcast episode - Recognising skills with Open Badges

In the latest episode of Totara Talks Talent, we speak with Dr. Doug Belshaw, a global advocate for Open Badges.

We delve into the history, evolution, and future of Open Badges, discussing their significant role in professional development and lifelong learning. Doug shares practical advice on implementing Open Badges, whether starting from scratch or enhancing an existing strategy, and highlights how they can effectively engage teams and recognise skills and achievements.

Tune in to discover how Open Badges are transforming the way we value and acknowledge professional growth.

Listen now

If you'd like to take a free course on how to use Open Badges in your Totara platform you can access a course in the Totara Community

Are you new to Totara?

If you’re new to Totara or not sure where to start then take a look at the following resources:

  1. Sign up for microlearning to get weekly Totara lessons straight to your inbox. 

  2. Take the Academy course: Totara for beginners. 

  3. Take a look at how other organisations are using Totara. Take a course on onboarding and compliance here. 

  4. Take a look at our webinars on demand to see demos, feature showcases and learn how other organisations are making use of Totara. 

Hope to see you in a webinar soon!