Totara Learn Open Discussions

Recertification Error Message

Johnny Matias
Recertification Error Message
von Johnny Matias – Wednesday, 17 July 2024, 10:41 AM

We're currently using a certification to re-assign a compliance singular compliance course within our organization, but we're seeing a group of 30 users, upon recertification timeframe opening, receive any error message that reads:

"ATTENTION! The recertification window was due to open on [June 4 2024, 1:41 PM] but has not yet occurred. Window opening should normally have occurred automatically by now, as more than one day has passed. You should contact your site administrator and inform them of this message. You should wait until this problem is resolved before making progress towards recertification. Progress made before the recertification window opens will likely be lost."

The certification is setup as following:

  • Original Certification Path - Course A

  • Recertification Path - Course A (the same exact course as the original certification path)

  • Certification is active for 9 month(s)

  • Period window opens before expiration 1 month(s)

  • Recertification date Use certification completion date

We're also seeing the same error message starting to show with a different certification with the following setup:

  • Original Certification Path - Course A, Course B, Course C, Course D

  • Recertification Path - Course A, Course B, Course C

  • Certification is active for 1 year(s)

  • Period window opens before expiration 1 month(s)

  • Recertification date Use certification expiry date

In both certifications and all associated courses, the users are confirmed in the audiences, and none of the users are in any of the exceptions. All users have also been confirmed that their recertification window should have been re-triggered by now.

We're currently in Totara v17

QUESTION: Any insight as to why this error message is starting to occur during the recertification window and/or how we can correct the certification so that users can start completing their courses?

Craig Eves
Re: Recertification Error Message
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Thursday, 18 July 2024, 6:40 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Johnny

using the certification completion editor and viewing the completion record of the user may give more insight into why the recertification window isn't is isn't being opened.

One of the courses may bot be being reset correctly - this could be because it is also in another certification, the course completion condition isn't able to be reset for example using completion of another course won't reset the other course, there is a custom activity that isn't able to be reset or completed correctly.
