Totara Learn Open Discussions

Forum - showing comment user's profile

Jennifer Lam
Forum - showing comment user's profile
de Jennifer Lam - Friday, 9 de August de 2024, 06:36


We are using Totara v12. We use forums in each course to encourage learner engagement.

When a user posts a discussion, the name appears as a hyperlink to their course profile.


We are concerned about GDPR. I notice that when I click on another user's name in this forum I get the warning 'The details of this user are not available to you'. Which permission or settings control this, please?

All of my users are authenticated users in the system and learners in the course. Their Course > View user profiles (profilesmoodle/user:viewdetails) and View subscribers (mod/forum:viewsubscribers) are already set to No.



Craig Eves
Re: Forum - showing comment user's profile
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 11 de August de 2024, 18:28
Grupo Totara

Hi Jennifer

It sounds like the warning is what you are wanting when trying to view the user.

There are some other permissions that control what appears in a user profile

  • View participants moodle/course:viewparticipants

  • View participants moodle/site:viewparticipants

  • View hidden user fields moodle/course:viewhiddenuserfields

  • View hidden details of users moodle/user:viewhiddendetails
