Totara Learn Open Discussions

Searching this forum

Searching this forum
BradleyCarla 发表于 2024年09月13日 Friday 10:32

Hello all! As a self-hosted site, I've always found this forum very helpful. I've found I can ask our partners a question, and they won't know the answer but I can always find the answer here.

BUT -- searching this forum is so difficult. Is there a trick I'm missing? For instance, today I wanted to know whether i can get certificates to dynamically pull in "username" and print in on the certificate. But any time I search any string, I get pages and pages of release notes. So even if a question has been asked on the forum, I have to ask it again because the release notes clog up the searches. Am I missing an obvious way to exclude release notes? I've tried excluing the word "release," but it's such a common word I'm not sure if I'm excluding useful posts.

Re: Searching this forum
WarwickJane 发表于 2024年09月14日 Saturday 21:41

Someone might have a better way, but I click the 'Search forums' button with the box empty.

This gives the advanced search screen. Then after adding your keywords, under 'Choose which forums to search', choose 'Totara learn Open Discussions'. This avoids all the release notes which are in another category

Re: Searching this forum
Griffith-BoyesRachel 发表于 2024年09月16日 Monday 03:53
小组 Totara

Hi Carla,

Thanks for your question, you're definitely not the first person to mention this! As Jane says, the best option is to use the Advanced search. There you can specify which forums you want to search in. Alternatively, I normally put the phrase 'release notes' in the field These words should NOT be included which should prevent your search being full of the release notes posts.

Hope that helps - let us know how you get on!

Rachel (Totara)

Re: Searching this forum
BradleyCarla 发表于 2024年09月16日 Monday 07:01

Thank you!